Is Ring of Fire Easy to Play

ring of fire rules, Ring of fire drinking game rules

OBJECTIVE OF RING OF FIRE: The objective of Ring of Fire is to not pull the last king card.


MATERIALS: One standard deck of cards, a flat surface, a drinking glass, and alcohol.

TYPE OF GAME: Drinking Card Game



Ring of Fire is a drinking game where players draw cards from around the king's cup. Based on the card drawn that player or many players will have to drink according to rules based on the card drawn.

The game ends when the last king is drawn and the player drinks from the King's cup.

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Place a cup in the center of the table. Shuffle a deck of cards and spread them evenly around the base of the cup face down, like in the picture below.

ring of fire rules, Ring of fire drinking game rules


Once the cards and cup are set up, each player will grab their favorite alcoholic drink of choice and stand around the table together.


The cards in this game all have rules associated with them. These rules can be changed or varied by the playgroup, but this discussion should be done before gameplay starts. The traditional rules go as follows.


Waterfall- Waterfall means when an ace has been pulled the player who drew the card starts to drink, then the player to their left starts to drink, and so on until every player is drinking.

Then at anytime the player who pulled the card may stop drinking, then the player to their left may stop, and that continues till no one is left drinking.


You- The player who drew the card picks another player to drink.


Me- The player who draws the card drinks.


Girls- All female-players drink.

Ring of fire drinking game rules


Thumb Master- The player to draw this card is now the thumb master, whenever this player puts their thumb on the table all players must follow suit, the last player to do so must drink.


Gents- All male players must drink.


Heaven- The person to draw this card has the choice to raise their hand at any point in the game and all players must follow suit. The final person to do so drinks.

Ring of fire drinking game rules


Mate- The person who drew the card picks another player, this player drinks whenever they drink.

play Ring of fire drinking game


Rhyme- The player who drew this says a word, and the next player must say a word that rhymes, the first person to hesitate or mess up must drink. None rhymable words are not permitted.


Categories- The player who drew this card says a category, the next player must say a word connected with the category. The first person to hesitate or mess up must drink.


Rule- The player who drew this makes up a new rule that ALL players (including themselves must follow) such as drinking with your none predominate hand. When the rule is broken the rule breaker drinks.


Question Master- The player who drew the card is the first question master, players go around asking questions to each other. The question does not matter as long as it's a question. The first person to mess up or hesitate must drink.

Ring of fire drinking game


Pour- Every player pours a little of their drink into the cup in the center of the table. The player to pull the final king must drink all the Ring of Fire cup's contents.


The gameplay is simple; each player takes turns drawing cards from the ring of fire. They follow the directions based on the card chosen. The game continues this way until the last king is pulled.


The game ends when the last king is pulled. The person to draw this card must drink from the king's cup (aka the gross cup in the middle).


Can you play Ring of Fire as a non drinking game?

The Ring of Fire rules are typical of standard drinking games. However, the Ring of fire drinking rules could be changed to fit a non drinking group. I would suggest either using nonalcoholic beverages or fitting it to be a points-only game.

Is Ring of Fire a complicated game?

IN terms of drinking games Ring of fire is a bit more complicated than your standard. The great thing about it compared to other drinking games though, is that the rules are totally subjective to your play group. It is also one of those games that the more you play it, the easier it is to remember the rules.

How many people can this game play?

This game plays three or more players. Like most drinking games it priorities groups of players so you can play this game with as many people as you like and they may filter in and out as they wish. Please remember to always drink responsibly and make sure you and your friends make it home safe.

Is this game Safe for Work?

Drinking games, in general, are not typically safe for work, but if your job is more casual with drinking then this game is probably a safe bet. The prompts are not scandalous in nature, so as long as the players keep things kosher the game should be relatively tame.

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